Friday, May 30, 2014

My New Website!!!

Welcome to my new blog and website (
I have a store in Cottonwood, Arizona...Morning Star Crafts and Collectibles. (Join us on Facebook)  I have lots of scrapbooking supplies...paper and embellishments. Most of which is on the shopping section of this website.
I also have some amazingly talented customers and ladies who work for me and we will show you all mediums from paper to vintage finds that we work with. If it sits still...we scrap it!! 
I hope everyone will find something to inspire you as everyone I talk to inspires me in many ways daily.
Please check out the store facebook page at Morning Star Crafts and Collectibles. "LIKE" it and see all our creations, new products, up-cycling, restoration, the latest in our vintage finds and MORE!
I'm currently on vacation and hoping I can add some of the pictures for you. Being from Arizona we traveled up through California then through Oregon and we are now in Washington. Tomorrow we leave on a 7 day cruise through the inside passage in Alaska. My husband, grandson Ethan 13 years old, Granddaughter Chloe 11 years old and me.  We have wanted to take the grandkids as they have always enjoyed our pictures and video's from previous trips.'s their turn. So I will, hopefully, post those pictures when we get back. I'm still learning this blog stuff. :)
We also have 2 more grandson's. Stanley 2 years old and Spirodon who was just born today!!   We are so completely BLESSED! Can't wait to see little Spiro when we get home.